Wednesday 23 January 2008

It's been one week since you looked at me...

For those of you who don't know, that heading is a line from a song. And yes, it has been a whole week since y'all looked at me. So yesterday, I woke up and it was SUNNY! So I went to University Parks for about an hour and read on a bench. Someone should have taken a picture, I was just so cute. Then we had our Oxford Through the Ages class (aka field trips...every week. I'm pumped!) Today I had class until 11:00 and now I am officially done with class for the week! That is so awesome - I have 4 full days until I have class again! So we watched Prime Minister's Questions today and I think every country should be able to do that to their leaders. I mean don't get me wrong, I love America and I'm very patriotic and all that, but seriously? I don't think George Bush (or any other president, for that matter) would stand a chance if we just put him on a stand and let people ask whatever they want and say whatever they want. I mean, the people who go up there against the Prime Minister just bash him, and he has to answer or be completely humiliated...sometimes both. Today one angry man said that the Prime Minister was "like a used car salesman who will not tell someone the price, will not tell them the mileage and will not give them a warranty!" right to his face. That's the way politics should be. After that cultural experience, we went a different direction culturally and went to the open farmer's market! They have such delicious food! I bought apples, bananas, oranges, grapes, pears, tomatoes, broccoli and an avocado! I'm so excited. Katie also took me for my first experience at Ben's Cookies in the closed market - easily the best cookie i've ever had. Double chocolate chip - it was incredible! Then we went on another adventure to Blackwell's Bookstore. Woah. That's it on the right. You can't tell from the outside, but it has more books than I've ever seen in one place. It has 4 floors (there's a basement you can't see) of over 3 miles of shelving. I have no idea how many books that is, but I know that you could spend days getting lost in there. I almost bought the British version of one of the Harry Potter books - they are much prettier here than in the states. Well, I think that a group of us are planning to go see Stonehenge this weekend, so I will definitely post about that! P.S. the picture of me with the horse is from the other day at the meadow, but one of my friends took it so I just now got it. Cool, huh? A wild horse just walked up to me! I got to pet them a bunch too, but this was the best picture. See facebook photos for more details.

1 comment:

sylvia said...

i decided what i want you to bring me from oxford...a PONY! and some of that amaazing green grass! love you...great pictures!