Monday 21 January 2008

First Day of Classes

Well today I finally began my classes here. I am glad to get to start a real routine - maybe now it will actually feel like I live here, instead of just being on a crazy cool vacation! I had humanities (history/literature) first thing this morning. one of two things could happen with that class - either I will miraculously begin to love and appreciate history and literature because I am actually living where it all happened, or my poor math/science-minded self will continue to stay awake during this class. I really hope it's the former. I want to be able to appreciate history for the first time in my life, and I figure this is the best place to do that, so we'll see how it goes! In the picture above you see what I had for lunch today (it was the only picture I took today...haha). I had a ham and cheese pita sandwich with raisins, an apple and a glass of mile. mmmm. Then we all walked downtown to the place where we will be having our Great Britain class. All of our other classes are in the classroom downstairs in House 10, but since all 36 of us are in the Great Britain class, there is not enough room for us there. For this class, we will have different assignments such as watching the Prime Minister's Questions once a week (very entertaining - much more fun than America's Congress!), we will have to read at least one current news article, we will be keeping a service blog about the service hours we do in Oxford, and we will be writing about our cultural observations in a journal. After class (it was already dark when we got done) it was pouring rain, but Becky and I needed dinner food so we ran to Sainsbury's downtown and got soaking wet - but I was able to buy about 8 meals worth of food for 4.44 (about $9!) I'm so proud of my frugal cooking skills lately - more money for traveling! Well, it's not supposed to rain tomorrow, and I don't have class 'til 1:30 so that's exciting! I'll write more later this week!

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