Tuesday 19 February 2008

Busy, busy, busy!

Sorry it's been a while since I have posted! I have been incredibly busy these last few days with schoolwork - I have to get it all done before I go to SPAIN tomorrow! that's right, we fly to Valencia, Spain tomorrow afternoon and I'm SO excited!
Last Friday we took another trip into London! I got to see Abbey Road (the Beatles walked there. it was magical! for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, look at the cover of the Beatles album "Abbey Road" - I walked that crosswalk on Friday!) We also went to the Tate Modern (a museum of modern art) and we got to tour Parliament. Parliament was incredible! I actually didn't think I would like it that much, but it has been one of my favorite things so far! We got to see the House of Lords, the House of Commons (where Prime Minister's Questions takes place every Wednesday. If you've never seen it, go find a video of it - highly entertaining. Much better than American politics.) and we got to see where the Queen comes when she makes her yearly speech to the nation. The rooms in Parliament are highly decorated, mostly in gold - and when I say gold, i don't just mean the color. They use 24 karat gold on everything - no paint! There was an incredible throne (which Michael Jackson offered to buy....tacky man) that the Queen sits on when she comes and it was covered in gold. So beautiful. It was really neat to get to see the place where so much history has happened that we are learning about right now in our classes. Our tourguide was impressed with our knowledge of British history. I was even impressed with us! What we have learned seems so much more real now that we have seen where it all took place! We even saw where William Wallace was tried on the steps of Parliament in 1305 (Braveheart!)
The rest of my weekend was spent doing homework...not my favorite activity. But I was able to get out on Sunday afternoon and go to the parks with everyone and play (American) football! We had a blast! There were so many people in the parks - it was a beautiful day to be outside! There were a bunch of guys playing football (european..."soccer"), some girls playing rugby (impressive) and then there was a full-fledged battle going on under some trees. these people were fully armed with real swords, shields and helmets. I have no idea what they were doing, but they were goin' at it with those swords! English people are crazy. It looked like a scene from 300 or something...
Well, I better get to studying (again) before we leave tomorrow! I will write all about Spain when I get back Sunday!
P.S. my new favorite thing is Fair Trade - where I do my service hours. I have a service blog if you want to read about Fair Trade!

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